Our Work
Our work centres on a multi-layered Community Development Strategy that encompasses a variety of initiatives to energise and motivate communities to improve the Physical and Mental Wellbeing of Community Members. The below programs and projects are all designed to achieve this.

Parenting Through Sport - Footy For Fun
This Targeted Early Intervention program is made up of 3 components and is designed for children in their early years aged 0 to 7 years and their families.

Aboriginal Go 4 Fun
Go4Fun is a 10-week healthy lifestyle program for Aboriginal children and their families.

Community Events
Community Events bring a variety of fun & unique activities to areas where they may not typically be available. They offer a safe and welcoming space for families to enjoy positive and enriching experiences together.

Rural Active Recreation
Rural Active Recreation aims to assist children in rural and remote communities to have access to Active Recreation opportunities.

Dulili Project
Due-lil-ee meaning "together" is the core value of the Dulili Project which is to provide a safe space for female elders to come together and enjoy varied activities, intergenerational activities, time to feel valued and a sense of belonging.
Community Wellbeing Evenings provide a multilayered method to breaking down barriers and developing discussion around the issues challenging community members in rural and remote communities.
Community Wellbeing Evenings

Youth Activation Projects
Footy For fun at home is part of the Parenting Through Sport program and is provided to families in isolated areas and under other identified circumstances.
Murdi Paaki Regional Rugby League Council was established in 2016 to lobby and manage funding to support club and competition operations in the Outback and Barwon Darling Rugby League.